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How To: Study the Bible Practically with Heart
NEW SERIES ALERT! We're jumping into a new series this week where we'll be breaking down some of the key "How Tos" of the faith and what better way kick things off than by discussing How To Study the bible but with Heart.
So often we have the bad habit of disconnecting heart and academics and one without the other...leads to trouble. So we're going to break down some practical steps for studying the bible while still understanding the core importance of loving others.

How To: Read the Old Testament
This week we're beginning a mini-series within our How Tos covering the Old Testament. We realize that reading the Old Testament can be a daunting task for some with many not really understanding how to read the Old Testament or how to categorize the the books of the Old Testament.
So in this first episode of our mini-series we're breaking down how to read the Old Testament, the different interpretations that exist out there and attempt to demystify 2/3 of the bible.

How To: Read Creation and the Fall
This week we're jumping into our breakdown of the Old Testament by discussing Genesis 1-3 which includes the creation account as well as the fall.
These are both hot button topics within Christian circles. There are a variety of interpretations of Genesis 1-3 and our hope is to shed light on this section of scripture in hopes to demystify these topics, give a solid foundation to build off of and most importantly honor God.
Join us as we cover the different models for creation that exist, if this is mythohistory or literal history and so much more.

How To: Read The Fall
We're continuing to make our way through the beginning of the bible and if last week was any indication, this conversation will be an interesting one!
Join the guys as they break down Genesis 3, the fall of man. Covering the chapter itself as well as the different ways it's read, different interpretations, how the Christian fall narrative compares to other mythic fall stories, how our fall informs the rest of the story and so much more!
Like last week when we discussed creation, our goal is to cover these topics in hopes of demystifying these topics. We understand that these are topics that tend to generate opinions and stances but as we always say it's important to let the major be the majors and anything that isn't Theology Prime, allow it to be a minor.
So grab your bibles, strap in because we're going for a ride!

The Fall of Man, The Aftermath and The Imago Dei
This week is part 2 of our coverage of the The Fall. Last week we left off with the lingering question of how to process the fall, human sin and the fact that the bible calls up image bearers of God.
Join us as for another deep dive into how we approach sin nature, and humanity as image bearers and how this affects how we process the aftermath of the fall.

How To Read: The Mythos of Mankind
This week we're pull back a little and looking at the first section of Genesis through a wide angle. We'll be covering Genesis 1-11 including everything from in the beginning to the towel of babel including the themes, the theories, the interpretations and so much more.
The reality is that countless religions have a mythos structure like 1-11 except the Jewish people. Join us as we break down how this first section of the bible tells us so much about both God and man.

How to: Interact with The Patriarchs
This week we're discussing the patriarchs in Genesis including Abraham, Issac and Jacob.
This stretch of scripture (Genesis 12-50 roughly) is defined as the patriarchal age and is FILLED with stories and events that show the character of God but can also be confusing or hard to process.
So join us as we break down this period in biblical history!

How To Read the Patriarches Part 2: Isaac
This week we're picking up with the next part of our series on the Patriarchs by discussing Isaac which in a lot of ways will bring us back to Abraham again.
We are going to look at what the bible tells us about Isaac, his faith journey and the impact he had on history.
Kingdom on the Road
Kingdom Living | Christianity | Panel Show
Join Andrew, Joe, & Ant every Friday at 9:30 am eastern as they walk through the Old Testament demystifying the story and answering your questions.
Join us live Friday mornings at 9:30 am eastern time
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How to Read: The Exodus
February 9, 2024
The plagues have passed over Egypt, the Hebrew people are about to leave Egypt behind.
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